Monday, November 21, 2022

Looks like prepping has gone from paranoid kooksville to official government policy

The head of Germany's Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK), Ralph Tieslerhas warned citizens to prepare for short-term power outages, particularly in January and February, and to stock up on rations in advance.

"We have to assume that there will be blackouts this winter. By that, I mean a regional and temporary interruption in the power supply. The cause will not only be energy shortages, but also the targeted, temporary shutdown of the networks by the operators, with the aim of protecting the networks and not endangering the overall supply," Tiesler told the news outlet Welt am Sonntag, adding that local authorities in several German municipalities are preparing for the possibility of blackouts, and have developed 'precise plans' that include procuring emergency generators to support the system.

Being Germans, I must think that they will actually solve or mitigate this problem before it gets too bad.  Nevertheless, it is certainly worrisome to hear this sort of talk from a German government official.

Tiesler advises his countrymen (and really, us as well) to consider, "Primarily water, several crates, and canned food. That would be enough for ten days. That's what my agency recommends… Our message is: prepare in the first place. Be prepared for possible crises, don't assume that everything will be readily available all the time," Tiesler stated, adding that residents should also purchase battery-powered radios and candles.

Germany's energy woes stem from a drop in gas supplies from Russia, after an ill-advised scheme to shut off their nuclear power plants. The flow of gas was cut off much earlier than expected over Ukraine-related sanctions, as well as explosions in September which rendered the Nord Stream 1 pipeline inoperable.

Will the Euros learn the obvious lesson from their green energy delusion?  Possibly. 

In the meantime, I recommend this:

Progresso Chicken And Orzo With Lemon Soup, 18.5 OZ (Pack of 12)

Add some pepper and squeeze in half a lemon's juice while you're warming it up, and you've got a great meal.  The combination of tart, savory, salt and pepper is just the thing for a winter's day.


  1. The one person that warned Germany about relying on Russia for energy was mocked for it. Now they will be freezing and starving this winter. Reality has no bearing in this new world order.

  2. Europe though will easily accept all their suffering: no more mean tweets from Bad Man Orange. HE WARNED THOSE IDIOTS!


  4. Having spent much of my life living in and "fighting" the Cold War, it really bothers me that what we had then has been pissed away. Shelters no longer stocked, no more stockpiles of food, Ma Bell's lines withered, everyone dependent upon the so easily destroyed cell phone service, the list goes on. If we ever have a REAL emergency, one that endangers a large segment of the US, man it's going to be bad beyond belief. New Madrid fault cooks off, San Andreas lets go, that island in the Canaries slips into the Atlantic with the resulting tidal wave, major Carrington Event, the list goes on. My tired retired ass has done all it could here, including preaching to neighbors. I might as well have just pissed into a hurricane for all the good that preaching did. God help us if it happens.

  5. Will the people ever put a stop to the totalitarians? They dine on fancy beef while demanding we eat bugs. They kill and enslave our children with vacs and masks.
    They want to rule over all of us and we are letting them. There should have been 100 million people at J 6th. THAT would have sent a message.

    1. I think there has been a 'boss' eating and living better since people got together for protection the first time.

  6. So whatsamatta yo? Didn't like my comment on the progresso soup as
    being shit? Still, it is. Like your blog, though.

  7. $50.00 ($2.70 / Ounce)

  8. Progresso as in Progressive?

  9. You posted this soup before and I bought 24 cans, still have about 19 left. Not bad at all.

  10. Progresso minestrone is good, i have a couple cans in the pantry.
