Sunday, November 6, 2022

"I Heard A Big Bang": Nevada County, California Man Believes Meteorite Destroyed His Home

 On Friday, dozens of people across Northern California witnessed a bright ball of light tumbling from the night sky. Several captured the phenomenon on camera, while one man believes the final destination of that bright light, which could be a meteorite, destroyed his home. 

"I heard a big bang," Nevada County resident Dustin Procita told local news KCRA's Michelle Bandur

Procita said after that loud noise, he "started to smell smoke. I went onto my porch and it was completely engulfed in flames."

At the same time, the Southern Taurids meteor shower was at its peak in the region. Miller said it could take at least a week or more to determine the cause of the fire. 


  1. He won that 1 in a million lottery, but I bet he can't win the current 1.9 billion dollar Lotto payout even though there's a lot better odds.

  2. This happened about 3 miles from my home.
    I'm sure sorry one of his dogs died. He seems like a decent enough guy.
    You just never know, do you?

  3. And insurance ain't gonna pay off, no meteorite coverage and it is an "Act of God."

    1. No biggie. It's rural Northern California, where homeowner's insurance is either impossible to get or it's so expensive one would rather save one's money and take one's chances.
      If it was me I'd start a GoFundMe type page like he did, then use the money to get the hell out of California with your cows to move to a free state like Arizona where homeowners insurance is $300 a year instead of $6000 a year, if you can get it.

    2. His GoFundMe page confirms he had no insurance.

      More on the story and Meteors / Meteorites-

    3. Elmo you're so right. We haven't had insurance for 5 years or more. Wish we'd left.

  4. Doubt if a meteorite started the fire. When they hit the earth, they are ice cold.

    1. I doubt that. Objects entering the atmosphere warm up a little....

    2. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyNovember 7, 2022 at 8:10 AM

      You are correct. By the time they get into the lower atmosphere they have cooled to near freezing temperatures as the air that high is vveerryy cold.

  5. Wasn't a chunk of Chinese space junk supposed to be coming down.

  6. It was a mostly peaceful, fiery space pebble.

  7. What about the part of the Chinese rocket that was coming back in an uncontrolled re-entry?

  8. Meteorites are typically nickel and iron, try a metal detector.

  9. I think easily a fire could have started from smashing internal contents. Tunguska event leveled a massive area.
