Tuesday, November 8, 2022

How money should look

Rock on, Costa Rica!

Our best looking fiver from the education series.

The runner up, the Woodchopper Fiver.


  1. Stellar graphic design, absolutely. I've thought it would be nice for a change to stop with the dead President trading cards and celebrate American geniuses. Mark Twain, Aaron Copland, Louis Armstrong, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Andrew Wyeth... imagine how cool a Norman Rockwell bill could look.

  2. The Silver Certificates were nice. Now the DC Dummies just print fiat currency with nothing of value to back it up.

    "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.".

    Happy election day. I voted.

  3. I prefer something that's a bit harder to counterfeit, and which can't easily be photocopied (excuse me, Quantitatively Eased) to the point of worthlessness.

    Something more like this: https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/105444256-1536681250135rts20v9a.jpg?v=1536681357

    Not perfect, but nothing is.

  4. It would look even better in my wallet.
