Monday, November 14, 2022

Happy Monday



  1. Aww Natalie, what else to say...

  2. "Natalie Wood was still a student in high school when this film ('The Searchers', 1956) was being made, and, on several occasions, John Wayne and Jeffrey Hunter had to pick her up at school. This caused a good deal of excitement among Wood's female classmates."

    IMDb, 'The Searchers' Trivia section.

    1. Greatest movie ever

    2. Henry Brandon, who played Scar, was the best 'savage' that ever played the part. And he was gay. Go figure.

    3. I'm reading Empire of the Summer Moon right now, the story of the Comanches and the capture of Cynthia Ann Parker as a little girl. It's the true story that The Searchers is based on. In real life, the re-capture of Cynthia Ann by the Texas Rangers is a sad story. She was a chief's wife by then, 33 years old and with 3 children. The youngest, a little girl, was taken with her and later died of influenza. Cynthia Ann eventually starved herself to death after this, and after 10 years back in the settler society. She never re-assimilated. Her eldest son, Quanah was the last free war chief of the Comanche tribe, and following their losses in the Indian Wars and the decimation of the buffalo herd (their food source), he moved his tribe to reservation land and actually did partially assimilate into settler society and was a notable figure in the Early West.

  3. Happy Monday, maybe - but for Natalie, probably not on a boat, as she was scared of water and didn't even use her own pool.

  4. The first time I saw her was in Splendor in the Grass. She was beautiful.

  5. ya can't fall out of the water.
