Saturday, November 12, 2022

A holdout house in Chongqing, China



  1. There was also one in the middle of a parking lot on Long Island
    funny as H*ll

  2. There was a Row House like that in New York City in the '70s IIRC, someone bought the Whole Block to build a 60-Floor Office Building, one Guy was the Holdout, so the Architect redesigned the Structure to go Around and Over the House; since the Zoning for the Row Houses allowed the Property Lines to be In the Wall... The Holdout eventually died, the Estate wanted to "Cash In", but the Owner of the New Building refused to Buy it- and nobody else wanted it either. So after a few Years of paying Taxes on the place, the Family just Abandoned it, and the other Building Owner bought it for Cheap at the Tax Auction. His Architect had left a set of Plans to Remove the House and Build into the Space, Utility Hookups were all in place.

    1. it never pays to be an asshole.

    2. Ahhh yes, the holdout to imminent domain is the asshole. Globalist fucktards.

    3. wow. my feelings are really hurt. i sure am glad i get to hide behind my keyboard.

    4. If jimmy was my bro i'd be hidin' too.

  3. Look at the air quality in every picture you see taken in China. Then remind yourself that we need to destroy our economy to 'save the planet', while China does everything it can to destroy the planet in an effort to maintain their economy.

    Then realize this all makes sense to today's Democrats.

    1. Where do you think all the money comes from for all the 'save the planet' people? Yep. China. It is nothing more than a ploy to destroy Europe and the USA. China is cashing in.

    2. Yeah , China is cashing in alright...with our glutenous greed for cheap crap... especially red hats

  4. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyNovember 13, 2022 at 7:23 AM

    Got one of these in Seattle. Been by it many a time.

  5. How does the CCP allow this?
