Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A brand I've never heard of



  1. Me neither, but I can guarantee you won't find parts at O'Reilly's.

  2. Spanish for Pegasus. Pegasos are notable for all the things that make Spanish cars world famous.

  3. Beautiful, pretty much hand built cars from Spain. Very few manufactured.

  4. Twin superchargers on a small V-8. Screamer!

  5. Being an import from way down South (America) the Spanish had a decent presence down there. Pegaso sports cars were limited production and competing with the Bugattis and Ferraris of the era. Very few seen even in the early 60's, however, the Pegaso Truck division was everywhere. Their claim to fame was 4 axles (2 front, 2 rear) and both front axles steered.

    1. Yep, I have heard of Pegaso trucks. Trucks were what I thought if, when I saw the sign, in front of the car.

  6. Pegaso was a Spanish manufacturer of Buses, Trucks and Tractors. I believe that after Spain joined the European Union, that the company was sold.
    I lived in Spain during the sixties and came to fear the HUGE Pegaso trucks. They were typically grossly overloaded and it was not uncommon to see them along the roadside with broken rear axels. The drivers were firm believers in the axiom “you have the right-of-way, but I have the truck”! An acquaintance was killed when a driver, on the wrong side of the road, hit his car head on. You ALWAYS gave them a wide berth.

  7. Used to see Spanish registered Pegaso trucks in England regularly back in the day, never knew that made things of beauty like that car.
