Saturday, October 22, 2022

To understand any fanatic movement, this is a good starting point.



  1. Bought it in the mid-90s. Another essential is Harry Browne's "How To Be Free In An Unfree World".

    1. My dad read his "How to Profit From the Coming Dollar Devaluation" and bought 5 bags of silver coins for ~$2,800/ea. Sold at the height of the Hunt Bros fiasco for ~$33,000/ea. Harry Browne was a great guy.

    2. Only problen using precious metals as currency is in a real crisis the government will seize or outlaw use and/or ownership of said precious metals. It's one of the many things FDR did that were patently unconstitutional.

  2. If a person has not read The True Believer, The Art of War, and The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli, their opinion is unworthy of note.

    1. I can never think of those names without hearing Paulie Walnuts's line "Sun Tazoo, the Chinese Prince Matchabelli."

      I read Hoffer's stuff as a teenager in the early '60s. Even to somebody uninterested in politics it rang like a bell.

  3. I read a borrowed copy back in 1968 and bought a copy to keep. It gave me a better understanding of what drives this sort of thought; and perhaps kept me from becoming involved.

  4. This was required reading when I took Poli Sci in the early 60's

  5. Read what he said, not what other converts in own "ideology".
