Wednesday, October 12, 2022

SpaceX drone ship captures amazing view of Falcon 9 launch & landing


  1. "You know it's real because it looks so fake" - Elon Musk talking about that stupid launch a Tesla into space "stunt". Oh look pretty lights in the distance. Oh look wispy smoke coming down from above. Oh look super bright rocket engine burn, shame you can't see anything through it. Oh look what do you know there it is. Perfect landing. Why can't there be a camera on a raft 100 yards away to film the actual process of touchdown? You know it's real because it looks so fake. Yeah, that's the ticket.

    1. think this is all faked? I'm not sure I'd be able to stand that. Why not go to Florida and just charter a vessel to see it for yourself? The launch calendar isn't a secret, and they haven't been delayed very much.

    2. These things have been videoed landing themselves dozens of times, and hundreds of people track these things in addition to the gummint. Spacex has launched and recovered the Falcon family of boosters nearly 200 times, one of the boosters has been used 11 times. If Elon was faking this the word would be out.

  2. An interesting thing about those landings is the Falcon booster has too much thrust to hover, the engines can't throttle back far enough, so they have to figure out where the deck should be and then calculate when the booster intersects where it ought to be and shoot for nearly zero velocity where they calculate the deck will be. But sometimes waves are funky and the booster is either too high or too low. Both types can result in booster damage. The Starship will be able to hover.

  3. Had to mute immediately.

  4. Took the kids to Kennedy Space Center a couple of weeks ago and were able to stick around and watch a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch from a waterfront park in Titusville (maybe even the one in the video - the timing and weather match). Really cool time to be alive……for space stuff.
