Monday, October 17, 2022

One of the Easter Island Moai statues that was carved but never erected. it would have stood 72ft tall (the tallest standing is 33ft high) and weighed more than 2 Boeing 737's. This also shows how the figures were carved.



  1. Gotta wonder how bored the Easter Islanders were to make such an obsession of carving and transporting those things.

  2. Shows an amazing understanding of mechanics and advanced geometry. Cutting them on an angle makes it 100 times more difficult to get the lines correct as there is no plumb or right angle from plumb to work from. Unless of course one is working from a craft hovering above and using a computer assisted laser or water jet cutter. If only the alien visitors had left their precision measuring equipment behind......

  3. AFAIK, we don't know that any besides this one were carved this way. Since dating these stone artifacts is difficult, this one could have been a first attempt after which the builders might have reconsidered the size and decided to just go smaller and see how that worked out.

  4. obelisks in egypt the same.

  5. If your erection takes more than 600 years, you should contact your doctor.

  6. Arnold the Insignificant.October 18, 2022 at 4:31 AM

    There were giants in the Earth in those days.

  7. waiting for the Gods to return.

  8. The movers took one look and said "oh hell no!"
