Friday, October 7, 2022

Oldest animation in world on a ceramic vessel dating back to 5200 years ago, found in Shahr-e Sukhteh Iran - when vessel is rotated it shows a goat leaping up to bite a leaf



  1. Considering the age, that is pretty amazing.

  2. The brain development demanded by that artifact is stunning; how different are we now than then, and are we (humans) in decline?

    1. People are still the same, we just have better toys.

  3. If true, absolutely remarkable. My guess is that it was simply a series of pictures that were never intended to be animated, but to tell a story.

    1. The first thing I noticed is how identical the plants remain frame to frame in the video. I don't see changes in anything but the animal. Then look at the picture of the whole vessel, and the plants don't look the same as in the video. The animals don't look the same between leaps of the goat on either video or the top picture.

      They apparently had the concept of a potter's wheel, just based on looking at the shape of the vessel. Since the wheel would have been driven by a worker rather than an electric motor, the motion wouldn't have been as smooth, but maybe somewhere along the line, someone noticed motion in the things drawn onto something similar and had the idea.

  4. So they were goat humpers even 5200 years ago.

  5. cave paintings show horses raising their heads in increments on one staionary figure as if neighing.
