Wednesday, October 12, 2022

n Japan you can find centuries-old stones near coasts inscribed with a warning: “Do not build any homes below this point. High dwellings are the peace and harmony of our descendants. Remember the calamity of the great tsunamis.” These are the Tsunami Stones.

Yet they did not listen to the wisdom of the ancestors, and they paid the price.



  1. Knowing about these warning markers, it makes me wonder if it is hubris, ignorance, or pure stupidity which led to homes and buildings in Japan being built below the stone warnings.

    1. Who wants to walk up a mountain after pulling in nets all day? Or maybe all the old houses on the hill side slid into the water anyway during an earthquake... Darned if you do, darned if you don't....

  2. wonder if the ocean level has changed much since then?

    1. No. No sea level rise. Just look at pictures of the Statue of Liberty in the late 1890's and compare to pictures at the same tide state today. Nada.

      All those 'sinking' places like Venice, Italy are really just sinking into the ground. Panic artists and con men are saying sea levels are rising.

  3. Just like our forefathers warned about keeping our country free. How many laws have you broken today?

    1. To many to count, and I'm only on my first cup.

  4. Replies
    1. None...that you KNOW of.
      With "our betters" passing 10s of thousands of pages of legislation each year, most of it unread, I would wager that each of us, knowingly or unknowingly, has become a felon at some point.

  5. Living on an island in the most active earthquake zone on the planet, ancestors got it.

    1. Traditional Japanese architecture is designed to flex and shift without destroying the integrity of the structure. Well, until the fires start.
