Sunday, October 23, 2022

Imagine having those four in your garage



  1. Todays land speed record is 763 mph!

  2. They'd be pretty crumpled if they were all in MY garage!:-)

  3. My a-hole neighbors would turn me in for having unregistered vehicles in my yard.

  4. These are all very cool and fast cars.

    From the furthest/top down they are:

    • Bluebird-Proteus CN7 – 1960/4 – 403.1 mph - gas turbine
    • Irving-Napier Golden Arrow – 1929 – 231.446 mph – 23.9 liter W-12
    • Sunbeam 1000 hp – 1927 – 207.015 mph – two 22.4 liter V-12
    • Sunbeam 350 hp -1920 rebuilt 1924/5 – 150.76 mph – 18.3 liter V12

    The CN7 was the end of the line for “wheel driven” Land Speed Record “LSR” cars, as also in 1964 the jet powered car entered the LSR race to speed!
