Saturday, October 15, 2022

He was a happy Master Sergeant



  1. I don't understand how you'd look in the mirror and think that was better.

    1. I wonder if it has to do with 20 years of not being able to control how you look. Some vets keep the shaven and tight look out of habit, others grow full beards no matter how unruly it looks just because they can now and no one can say otherwise. Still happens to this day.

  2. I read somewhere that he supplemented his income with painting while he was in the Air Force.

  3. He did the PBS series for free. Knew he'd make plenty on the merchandise sales.

    1. He got tricked into signing away his name and image by a very crafty couple. A truly sad tale. Never buy any 'Bob Ross' merchandise.

  4. I'll tell you though, watch a few of his videos - it's just jaw-dropping how he works and creates an image with a few casual brush strokes, mixing colors, and how much it tricks your brain into perceiving it as a completely realistic image. He had an amazing process, to watch.

  5. I hate to be a bearer of bad news. He was not a happy Master Sergeant. He enjoyed his AF career until he became a Drill Instructor at Basic training. My dad was a DI at Lackland when Bob Ross was there and knew him. Like Bob Ross my dad hated being a DI and it was a 4 year controlled tour.

  6. "Let's just paint a happy little airstrike over here"

    20-years in the Air Force. I'd say he done good.

  7. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that it was a pleasure to watch him. He made lots of people happy. Hope his soul is at rest.

  8. it's fun to dvr his show and then watch it at double fast forward

  9. Heard the reason he was so soft and gentle on his show was because he was tired of being hard and yelling all the time in the Air Force.

    1. "...being hard and yelling all the time in the Air Force."

      You owe me a keyboard.
      If you're going to post comedy that brilliant on the 'net, it's customary to post a warning first.

  10. "It must be all that radiation from the fallout!" - Dr. Emmett Brown
