Monday, July 5, 2021

Too Funny


Via Peter.


  1. Draw on her face with the wide tipped Sharpie in black. I had the same thing happen to me so my retaliation was merciless. I drew "Spawn of Satan" across her forehead with goatee and mustache. Day care thought it was hilarious, grandma not so much.

  2. well ,in a normal situation a L.E.O. would shoot the dog and curb stomp the suspect .

  3. I see a harsh Punishment of no cookies and milk for both of them.

  4. That's why God makes them so cute, so parents won't kill them.

  5. PS: I had the same thing happen to me when my daughter was three. I woke up while she was in the act. We wound up having a lot of fun marking each other up. Mom was not amused.

  6. I am a retired blogger from Israel(IDF),I have a new FUNNY/HUMOR blog: and I am interested in a Reciprocal Links with your great blog,if it's possible,please.I think Humor/Funny Stuff is important to people,anywhere,anytime,any blog...Best wishes,David.
