Monday, July 5, 2021

Rugby Players



  1. I used to watch old B&W movies of Lindy Hop competitions from the '30s

  2. This is the "scrum" part of the game? I'm not sure but I think at the end of it points are added or subtracted by how many teeth still remain in place. Around here each one gets a club to wield and we call it Lacrosse.

    1. No, this is just two guys goofing around. Has nothing to do with the game.

  3. I fell in love with Rugby when my son started playing it when he was a sophomore in high school, and then in college.
    I have added Australian rules football, AFL (Footy) to that since. I hope to some day go to Oz (a 7 week vacation last year got messed up by China) and watch Footy live.

  4. You think that's weird you should see what the entire squad does in the communal hot tub after the match.

  5. Replies
    1. Ghost, front up to a rugby player and say that. You'll either get laughed at and bought a pint or punched out. 50/50 chance but it's still a long way less gay than the National Felons League.

  6. What! No helmets, no six inch shoulder pads? Rugby makes NFL players look soft. Still, USA is getting better at the game, won't be long before they will be beating new Zealand.

    1. Those knee-taking, whiney NFL players are soft.
