Friday, July 16, 2021

Hahahaha! Mom must be out of town.



  1. She knows now that it's been posted on the internet. Still, some amazing baby tossing skills dad, not to ignore junior's good balloon grabbing skills.

  2. I’d like to see the other tries when he slammed the poor kid’s head into the ceiling....stupid is as stupid does.

  3. Best to take the tossing outdoors if you go for height. But OMG the memories that kid will have.

  4. Money says booze was involved.

  5. Oh come on. How many dads *haven't* tossed their kids in the air? The kids love it. They love it to the point that they will wear you out if you let them.

    Tossing them in the air, swinging them around in circles by their arms, tossing them across the swimming pool, playing "stomp the puddle". What good is childhood if you can't play with your kids.
