Friday, July 2, 2021

Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, Linda Rondstadt


Quite the colorful cabal of crooners.


  1. I was in love with Linda Ronstadt in the 70's! That album cover of her in the short shorts and roller skates? Oh yeah!

    1. She did have great legs along with a great voice, Coffee man. Too bad she was wasted on that nitwit Jerry Brown.

  2. When there voice came together it was beautiful.

  3. Emmylou has aged beautifully. She's still as lovely to the ears and to the eyes as she ever has been. Dolly is still Dolly, and will forever be Dolly. I forgive her for the amusement park, and even for her well-intentioned personal donation of one million of her very own personal dollars to Covid vaccine research. Her books for kids project makes my heart swell with joy. Too bad about Linda. Haven't heard from her since 'Canciones de mi Padre' back in the 80s.I heard one of those songs from that album at a Mexican restaurant, and just knew that voice. I put my money down, betting $10 that I was right. 3 other folks at the table disputed my judgement. They all lost, but I picked up the tab for the table.

    1. Well remember "Canciones". Great stuff.
      This photo is from the "Trio"days, great stuff there too; "Those Memories" especially. Saw Emmylou many times in the 70's; wish I coulda seen her with Knopfler
      Boat Guy

  4. Check out Miss Rondstadt's "Lush Life" trilogy of albums. She sings American classics from the '40s and '50s. The covers won't disappoint.
    I saw Miss Harris at the Birchmere club in Alexandria back in 19-mumble-mumble. Just her and her guitar.
    And St. Dolly of Pigeon Forge can do no wrong. Smarter Half and I moved to east Tennessee last fall. One of my neighbors has a dog named "Jolene." Radio stations get their most call-ins during contests for UT Volunteer home game tickets and, yes, Dollywood.

  5. Somewhere on DirectV there is a biography of her. It is absolutely mesmerizing. Look it up and spend a couple of hours reliving your youth.
