Wednesday, July 21, 2021

2021-1967 = 54 years. 1967-1914 = 53 years.



  1. Gadzooks.
    The difference in those 50 year periods is stunning.

  2. Time slips by amazingly quick. Yesterday, I realized this year marks 40 years since I graduated high school. Does not feel that long at all,

    1. Next year marks 50 for my wife and me. Scary.

  3. I graduated from Roswell High in 1973. Recently I purchased a 1953 RHS annual at an antique store. This is truly a time capsule from across the eons of time. Only 20 years and my shock was visceral. The way those kids dressed, their outlook on life, their hopes and dreams for the future are a testament to the bedrock of the human race. Almost every girl wanted to latch on to the perfect guy and raise a family. Every dude was bragging on his strength and goal to be gainfully employed or to run his own business.

  4. I started high school in 1967, South Torrance high (in Calif). That first day when you walked in the boys had to go to one table and get the length of their hair measured, too long and you had to go get a haircut. Girls went to a different table and the height of their skirt above the knee was measured, too high and you had to change before you went to school.

    1. I don't recall girls being allowed to wear pants in those days..

  5. Gee thanks for that. Everywhere I go on the internet someone finds a new way of telling me I'm getting old.

  6. EH! Whatcha say, Sonny? Quit mumblin'!
    Spouse Commander and I graduated in 1967. What happened to the years? Oh, life happened.

  7. More Fun Facts...Both John Lennon and Elvis have been dead longer than each was alive.
    I'll see myself out now.

    1. More fun facts? Cleopatra was closer in time to the iPhone than she was to the building of the great pyramids!

  8. Graduated San Diego High in '59---I'm eighty-one years of age today---had to spell it out as I find it hard to comprehend.

  9. Graduated High School in '70. Strict dress code. Following year they threw out that code. Holy cow! Most of the girls were dressing for a nightclub or the beach. Not many in between. I'm sure it was difficult for the guys to concentrate on school matters. Bad move on the schools' part. Really stupid.
