Friday, June 19, 2020

Haha, Sacramento County Sheriff won't enforce Governor Gruesome's mask order.

Due to the minor nature of the offense, the potential for negative outcomes during enforcement encounters, and anticipating the various ways in which the order may be violated, it would be inappropriate for deputies to criminally enforce the Governor’s mandate.

Lived in Sacramento County for decades, starting when John Misterly was sheriff.  They've always been great officers.  Sounds like the current sheriff has plenty of good judgement and common sense. 

After Gruesome made his executive order, I wondered how he'd enforce it.  Looks like he won't.  Especially sweet after watching his people loot and burn all over the state.


  1. Democrat Gov. Turdburger here in NC is making the same "mask or jail" threat. The Eastern state Libs in Raleigh are already rounding up citizens who go maskless. RESIST! That sound familiar?

    1. Executives do not have authority to issue binding laws - only the legislative branch (aka house of reps or senate, depending how your state is organized) may create and pass the laws. The executive is tasked with enforcing.
      Legislators legislate, executives execute. Not hard here folks.
      Any diktat from the executive is just that, and non-binding, never mind Constitutional.

  2. I think we lived in Sacramento County at the same time; perhaps our paths crossed. I went to high school at La Sierra and lived in Carmichael.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt
