Thursday, March 5, 2020

To put this into perspective, the F-105 was almost the same length as a B-24 bomber of WWII. While that MiG-17 you see at the top, was only slightly bigger than a P-51.


  1. My Dad was a legendary Thud Driver.

    From "Thud Pilot" By Dick Jonas-

    She's faster than lightening it says on her dials.
    To get a Thud airborne takes only two miles.
    She's packed with transistors, black boxes, diodes,
    But stay alert, 'Cause you might get hurt when she explodes.
    She carries more bombs than a B-17.
    My F-105 has a gun and she's mean.
    But there is one thing that curdles my blood,
    It's lonesome up there, Alone in the air in my single seat Thud.

    1. He's definitely right about 2 miles to get airborne in a Thud - I watched them take damn near the full length of Korat RTAFB to launch in full burner, and see them settle 2/3 of the way down the strip as they got enough lift to get off the landing gear squat switches so they could cycle the gear to decrease drag, settle into ground effect, and start milking the flaps to get enough speed to stagger into the air.

      If they didn't have two basketball size depressions in their flight seats, they should have...

  2. Leave out the USN? Skyhawk? Crusader?

  3. A better view on apparent size,CW would be head on (or tail on) . Cross section of most Us aircraft was larger than the NVNM.

  4. Nice that the F4 is in Aussie colours.

