Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Name these two men, and the "firsts" for humanity they're famous for.


  1. Left - Yuri Gagarin, cosmonaut first man in space, and first to orbit the earth.
    Right - Aleksei Leonov - cosmonaut, first man to "walk" in space - and an amazingly cool dude. Leonov was also one of the two cosmonauts who participated in the joint USSR/US Apollo Soyuz project.

    1. Full marks for that answer. Both amazingly cool dudes, as you say.

  2. The Russkies still have a manned space program. We beg rides to the ISS from them.

    China also has a manned space program.

    Europe and Japan have never had manned space programs.

    1. We rent a seat from the Russians. Sad sad sad....

    2. the russians don't fix what isn't broke. they also don't design a can opener that can also be used as an anti-tank gun. case in point, the "zero G ink pen" that NASA spent quite a bit of money to have developed. the russians used a mechanical pencil. and then there is the Rockwell space shuttle; the ultimate in design by committee can opener.
