Thursday, March 19, 2020

John Wayne from The Quiet Man - which is a great movie, by the way.


  1. One of my favs. The at the door with Maureen O'Hara is one of the best on screen. Off screen I've had a few better...

  2. I want to know how he got all his clothes in that smallish and obviously not full suitcase.

  3. I watch a couple of times a year. One of my favorites.

  4. "It's a nice soft evening .I think I'll join me friends and talk a little treason ."

  5. Every March 17th.
    Without fail.

  6. I saw it the first time when I was 12, in 1957. Obviously a second run, it was showing at an old theater across town. I rode my bicycle.

    I loved it, never heard of it again, and assumed it was just another of those weird things I like that nobody else had ever heard of. But in my travels over these many years I've run across uncounted lovers of that movie, all of them with favorite lines that we share.

    Mine was practically any word out of Barry Fitzgerald's mouth.

  7. I've stayed at the filming location twice. Ashford Castle Hotel. Stay if you get the chance. Everything looks pretty much the same 70 years later.

  8. Was going to indicate the lonely tree on the rock cliff (earlier post) was more a Duke than a Hank. But the one comment there about Bob Ross was so much funnier.
