Saturday, December 21, 2019

David "Bad Santa" Letterman, and Shah Rukh Khan, one of the biggest movie stars in the world.


  1. I don't get it. Letterman is an asshat. Never heard of the other guy. What is the point here?

    1. Weird juxtaposition. I wonder what got into him to decide to grow that big white beard - it makes him look twenty years older than he is. As Raj says, Khan is indeed quite the star. If Hollywood doesn't improve the quality of film they're putting out, Bollywood might just pass them up. Competition is good. Bring it on. Both will be better for it.

    2. The beard? Because he could.

  2. Letterman is a moron & the other guy may be in movies but he's no big star.

  3. Letterman IS most definitely an asshat.... Shah Rukh Khan is quite the star. Just not in the US... Many people have long and illustrious careers without ever setting foot in 'merica..... Of course, people in the US think that if you aren't a household here, then you're a nobody. It's one of the many attitudes that make other nations hate us.

    1. Agreed, but that is also one of the many attitudes that makes 'Merica , 'Merica.
      They hate us cause they ain't us, and we don't have to know who they are.
      Again, I agree it's a silly mindset to be "proud" of...
      However, I , like many of CW's readers will check the guy out now & see what he's made. Two sides to the attitude, you see. I'll give him a chance.

      Letterman is one of the ones who gloats in the fact HE and his elitist duchebag hipster buddies knows who Khan is.

  4. I'm trying to think of an Indian actor who would bring me to a movie theater to watch his work. (crickets) No, nobody comes to mind.

    Letterman is a moron.
