Sunday, December 29, 2019

Looks like a very useful gadget


  1. I have one from Harbor Freight and it's damn useful!
    Vehicle seems to have lost power? Go check the temps of the wheels, if one is dragging it will be hot. Thermostat problems? You can see the heat difference. Just how warm is that doohicky in the sunlight on the dashboard? Is my camp coffee warm enough? Is the dutch oven preheated enough?
    As a plus the laser light is fun to play with...

  2. Between home and work probably have 20 laying around.

  3. I keep one in my backpack.

  4. I use one to keep the temp of my wood stove at optimum levels.

  5. I have one to make sure my grill grates are hot enough to get a good sear on my steaks or burgers.

    Never thought to use it for my wood stove.
