Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Unkind? Should I be ashamed?


  1. No, not at all.....the truth is the truth.....there's a prosecutor who is being indicted for using his 13 year old daughter for bait to catch a perv child molester....this was the same thing....dictators have been exploiting children since time began...

  2. Saint Pie-Face scolds us as if she were an adult so I say give it back to her in spades then watch her handlers whine that she's only a little girl. Sorry, can't have it both ways. I wonder how much the little tool's parents are whoring her out for?

  3. From what I'm seeing and hearing it worked back in the 1920's, 30's 40's and it's working now. Emotional reaction spasms dominate the Millennial culture.

  4. Her mother is a self-proclaimed witch. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  5. This is what a cunt in the making looks like.

  6. No

    Made this my desktop pic so the kids can see it.

    Thank you, sir.

  7. Unkind? Not at all and I don't care if it is. I'm tired of the creeping leftism rolling over society while the right stands aside for the sake of decorum and the moral high ground. "Unkind" is why we have and love Trump.

    1. Yeah so what if Trump lies his tits off, doesn't everyone?,plus he's making money and providing jobs for all his family.God bless the Don.

  8. Never be ashamed to tell the truth. Keep up the good work!

  9. Of course you should be ashamed. Your header was picking on her for her appearance. It made no reference to who she is or what she stands for. Criticism of an individual for their behaviour, actions or beliefs is fair game but stooping to childish name calling is reprehensible.

  10. the only reason to hold the high ground moral or physical, is to have a better sight picture.
