Wednesday, November 13, 2019

‘The Greatest Farce on Earth!’


  1. Nice pictures of Nasty and Shit-for-brains.

    Paul L. Quandt

  2. just waiting for the IG report next monday. I wonder if shiftyshithead stinkeyes took that reports comming into account when he decided to hurry along the investigation?
    nasty nancy did a great job of setting up shiftyshithead stinkeyes to take the fall when all is said and done. never did accuse her of being a poor politician. just a poor human being.
    Most laughable comment this week comes from the pantsuited Hildabeast itself. "under a lot of pressure to run again in 2020". mostly when pantsuited hildabeast is looking into a mirror. what a competent liar, one could almost believe her but for her lips moving. this is what happens when people believe the voices in their heads.
    If last few weeks is a preview of the DNC convention, let the political bloodletting begin. I am picturing hildabeast hiding behind the curtains waiting for the call to come save the party from its own perfidy; and right behind her is moochelle with a knife ready to give hildabeast a sicilian necktie and take her place. politics is a rough sport.
