Saturday, November 9, 2019

The fact that China's pork prices are now openly hyperinflating making the country's favorite food increasingly more unaffordable, the risk is that the local population snaps and finally revolts against a government that is failing in its most basic function: keeping 1.5 billion Chinese well-fed.

Big trouble in Red China.


  1. Food stability is the 3rd leg of the stool that says the current regime has the Mandate of Heaven: Feed the people. The Army isn't another band of brigands. China is respected (or feared) by the West.

    Two are down now. No telling what happens when the 3rd fails.

  2. I've reactivated the basement deep freeze, and I'm going to fill it with pork.
    Bacon, lots of bacon.

    1. excellent idea. in a short time china will start trying to buy every ounce of pork from the U.S. and anywhere else it can. that means the price of out pork will rise rather sharply.....except for bacon which it seems we have a huge surplus of in storage. hams and pork butts, that's what to stock up on.

  3. And China owns 4 of the largest pork producers in the U.S.
