Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My home in the next life


  1. I wonder how much tax California would charge you? Unless you declared yourself "homeless". Then you'd qualify for $100K a year in cash and benefits.

  2. I like indoor plumbing and electricity too much. The occasional weekend get-away is fine, but it'd get stale fast.

  3. When I lived in Albuquerque attending UNM back in the '60s, I was amazed to see some teepees with Cadillacs parked outside them- but even more amazed that some also had TV antennas on top!

    Some of those Navahos had some serious cash, don't know how or why. I worked part time manning the Camera counter at a big store; a band of Indians wearing tribal gear came in & wanted a good camera. They pulled out a roll of cash that was 3" thick when they paid!
