Sunday, November 24, 2019

Invader Ordnance

Man, look at that rack of .50 calibers in the nose.


  1. A26 ground attack.

  2. And a couple of the "whole 9 yards" on the ground in front of 'em. So, like 11 seconds of trigger time. :)

  3. The A-26 was the best in that class, flying missions from WW2 to Vietnam and there were even a few at the Bay of Pigs. It replaced the A-20K (also made by Douglas). The Bristol Beaufighter was another notable in that era.

  4. That is the best armed prop aircraft ever to fly. The one in the photo(Vietnam era A-26K) only has 8 guns with 500 RPG. bombs and drop tanks (they used them for both gas and Napalm) But the "heavy attack", WW2 and Korea variant of the A-26 could have anything up to 20!! forward firing .50 call's with 500 RPG. Plus bombs Napalm and rockets. They were faster than a stock P-51 They would have been real competition for the AD-4 skyraider's if the airframes hadn't been mostly used up in WW2 and Korea. By the time the CIA rolled the last of the usable airframes out of the boneyard in the 60's to re wing them and build the "K" model there were only like 25 or 30 of them left still worth salvage. For my money the best LL attack aircraft ever made. PS the last of them died in the CIA African Bush wars. A sad end to one hell of an aircraft.--Ray
