Monday, November 4, 2019



  1. Well, I can identify some of the components, but: What are those long ropy looking things on the upper LH (8x), upper RH (7x) and lower RH (7x). Are those ammo belts maybe (they look too small for that)? Any tankers here?

  2. Those are indeed ammo belts for the coax, commander's and loaders MGs (the ammo boxes and the guns are nearby). A 12.7 (or perhaps 14.5ish) and a couple of 7.62s, from the looks of it.

    This is a standard inspection junk-on-the-bunk layout for a vehicle, in this case tank, waiting for someone in charge to look over all their gear and verify it's present, functional, and serviceable.

    Pain in the @$$, but if you don't do it, your troops and army rapidly look more like gypsy caravans than a fighting force.

  3. If we didn't mess around in other peoples' business, we would never have a need for it.

    Just stop for a minute and count up how much of your tax money has been spent messing around other peoples' business.

    Then think about how heavily Britain was taxing us just prior to the American Revolutionary War.

    Compare. Run the math.

