Friday, November 15, 2019

An interesting tool.


  1. I don't like the idea of being in the line of fire should the hardware fail.

    1. That was my first thought to, but....Just throw your jacket over the line. It's not powerful enough to have that much stored energy.

  2. Now... I can buy a self-contained >1-ton 12V winch for about $80 cash today. Or... I can buy one of those stupid $250 drills plus another nearly $200 for that drill-powered 1/4-ton winch for a total of ... let's say $400 to give you to benefit of the doubt.

    Your solution costs 500% as much as the simple, and 400% tougher, solution. Grade-school arithmetic should point out the logic flaw.

    I know I can buy the 12V winch for that price because I use one to raise and lower the snowplow on one of my tractors.
