Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Pass this on to your Democratic buddies. Smash your phone! No Trump Texts!


  1. My TracFone powered LG flip-phone hasn't been turned on in 6 months so I doubt I'll be pestered.

  2. Are you all paranoid? Okay, this has been in effect for long before Trump became president! Next, it is a TEST of the system! Trump has no control over this system! Now you crybabies, who in cases like this, are as bad as the lefties I fight against daily! Learn shit before you pass on shit!!!

    1. No worries, It's just a joke. A troll for those with severe TDR, to see if anyone really trashes their phone.

      Might seem farfetched, but 4chan got people to believe that chugging milk in public and the OK sign were alt right white power symbols.

  3. Lol. Just got the text message. I wonder how many snowflakes lost their "stuff" over this. Haha.

    1. Well I'm disappointed. I didn't get the Presidential Alert, though I was hoping it would read, "Clintons Served With Indictments" or "Ford Perjury Calls for Jail Time For Herself and the Sleazy CA Senator Who Put Her Up To This Fraud."

      Oh well. I guess if the outer space aliens attack, or Yellowstone blows up, I'll find out about it anyway!

  4. saw a different post suggesting that 100 seconds at high power setting in a minimum 700watt microwave works well in wiping out the software allowing this alert system that resides in every cell phone. something to consider.
