Monday, October 19, 2015

Say goodbye to the last modern ship in our navy that has the honor of actually sinking an enemy vessel.

The United States Navy decommissioned its last Perry-class frigate, reducing the Navy's number of ships that have sunk an enemy vessel to just one. The end of the Navy's frigates marks a new era of naval warfare where ships are less likely to go to battle in the open sea.

The USS Simpson removed its weapons, covered its windows, and on Sept. 29, it lowered its flags. Now, the ship will travel to Philadelphia until a foreign nation buys it.

After 30 years of service — including an April 1988 battle when it fired missiles at and sunk an Iranian oil platform and an Iranian Navy vessel — the ship's service came to an end on Sept. 29 with a ceremony at Mayport Naval Station.

Now the only Navy ship that has sunk an enemy is the USS Constitution, which did so during the War of 1812.


  1. It's time for another honest to goodness Navy war.

    1. Only a total and complete idiot would say it is time for a war. Let your sons, grandsons and nephews burn to death or drown in your "Navy war". The only reason we should ever fight a war is to defend our borders.

    2. Why that's nice of you to say, Chris.
