Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Never fear, your country is in the hands of Top. Men

Here's one now, CIA director John Brennan, who just had his AOL account ( yes, AOL) hacked by a high school stoner.

Looks a bit confused, doesn't he?

Here’s how the stoner hacked the head of the CIA, according to Wired:
  1. He did a reverse lookup of Brennan’s phone number, which told him Brennan had Verizon.
  2. He (or one of his team) pretended to be a Verizon technician, and called Verizon asking for details about Brennan’s account because “our tools were down.”
  3. Verizon asked for his “Vcode,” a code that Verizon assigns each of its employees, and the hacker gave them a fake one.
  4. Verizon then gave him the following information: Brennan’s “four-digit PIN, the backup mobile number on the account, Brennan’s AOL email address, and the last four digits on his bank card.”
  5. He then called AOL, posing as Brennan, and said he was locked out of his email account.
  6. AOL asked him a series of security questions, such as the last four digits of the bank card. He answered the questions with information he’d gotten from Verizon.
  7. AOL then reset the password for him.
And just like that, stoner boy had access to Brennan's AOL email account. 
Since Brennan had forwarded emails from his government work address, it was a simple task of sifting through to find various government documents.
After the initial attack, the hacker fought with Brennan over control of the account in a game of "password reset," and eventually ended up speaking with the CIA director on the phone.
When discussing potential payment, the hacker claims Brennan said,  “How much do you really want?”
Stoner boy must be enjoying his interrogation by the FBI about now.  Nothing like trying to blackmail a high government official.  I guess we now can see why Hillary's private and apparently security free email account matters (word to Bernie Sanders!).

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