Monday, August 17, 2015

Why does this not surprise me

The Environmental Protection Agency isn’t responding to claims by Todd Hennis, owner of the Gold King mine in Colorado that the agency coerced him to grant access to his property. Once taking over, of course, EPA’s incompetent attempts to remove debris created a massive 3 million gallon toxic waste spill from the mine.

Hennis told the CBS Denver affiliate that unless he allowed the EPA to have access and authority to conduct operations on the site the agency had threatened him with daily fines of $35,000.
“When you’re a small guy and you’re having a $35,000-a-day fine accrue against you, you have to run up the white flag,” Hennis explained.
Couple this with the suspicion that they broke the seal on the mine purposefully to get the area labeled a Superfund site, for the billions that would bring to the agency, and you have a real scandal.
My solution: abolish the EPA, send it's duties to the Interior Department, and prosecute it's leaders and managers to the full extent of the law.   Maybe even fine them personally 35k a day, just like they like to use to threaten any average American they don't like. 

1 comment:

  1. EPA, IRS, BATFE ... Whole lotta govt agencies we can do without.
