Monday, August 17, 2015

Weird column of light from lightning

This photo is unretouched, and appears to show an inexplicable column of light rising from the ground.

It's actually caused as an artifact of a lightning strike photographed by a camera with a rolling shutter.


  1. Or somebody was beaming up/down from the mother ship and the camera caught it.

    1. Beam me down, Scottie. The away team, consisting of all the important and irreplaceable officers, plus a couple of sacrificial red shirts, is on the surface

    2. If you were to go to work for Star Fleet, the last thing that you'd want to do is be given a red shirt. A flying fog monster or a Klingon is likely to end your run rather quickly. Though the blue shirt is not bullet proof. Usually your body is taken over by an illegal alien being of some sort if you wear a blue shirt...which is why I never wear a blue shirt when I'm visiting Mexico. You can't be too careful.
