Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Open Road

I lived the open road yesterday.


  1. That muddy track through the break in the trees.....reminds me of a field we use to have on the south part of the farm. Had to drive the state highway with all of the equipment, tractors, balers, planters, etc. Cars whizzing by tootling their horns.....guess I was going too slow for them.
    Finally, turning into the drive, going past the first field and then through the grove of trees to that back field. Silence. Couldn't hear the highway noise. All you could hear were gusts of wind, caws from the crows, and your own thoughts. Sigh, sometimes I wish I could get that silent feeling again.

  2. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
    Aldous Huxley

  3. I love the road less traveled.

  4. You are a lucky, lucky man! Ty for the open road, it does my soul good.
