Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In this post, Anne Sorock draws an excellent comparison, using the comments by Jeb Bush, between the establishment politicians, who are generally very similar from either political party, and the self government and liberty impulse seen in the Tea Party, and before that from Ronald Reagan's political philosophy. 

It is truly sad that Reagan had to put George H W Bush on his ticket as Vice President, presumably to gain the support of establishment politicians in the Republican Party, as that insured that his success would be followed by the smothering wet blanket of politics as usual.

The Bushes are good people, and better in their small ways than their Democratic counterparts, but they push the country to the same goals as the Dems, only by a different route, and slightly more slowly.  That end point is a government that rules us, instead of a government that serves us.  The difference explains the red hot hatred of all establishment politicians to people like Sarah Palin, who they know represents Reagan's philosophy of a free people governing themselves as they see fit, even if that means drinking fifty five gallon drums of sugery soft drinks when they feel like it.

The MSM, along with most politicians from both parties, including all of the Bushes, believe that they should rule, that they should tell us what to do, what is good for us, and that we should meekly go along with their plans.

Reagan, Palin, and the Tea Party believe that the government should be small, should exist to serve our needs, and that every individual should be responsible for their own success or failure.

The battle lines are drawn, and the only question is which side you are on.

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