And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
The mighty USS Wisconsin. I got a chance to tour her about 10 years ago when I was in the neighborhood on business. I had toured the USS Missouri the previous year and I am still amazed at the size of those ships and the tenacity of the sailors who served aboard them.
The USS Wisconsin is currently berthed in Norfolk, VA. Way back in the mid-1950's (when I was in 4th grade) my father was stationed at the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk. That year was the "International Naval Review" where ships from all over the world came to show off. My family got an invitation to tour the Wisconsin. When we got to the ship's skipper's helm, I climbed into his chair and grabbed the microphone. I pushed the talk button and said, "Now hear this! Now hear this!" The announcement went all over the ship!!! Of course, my parents were embarrassed but I was proud as punch!!!
Battleships. Very impressive when they show up off your shores; they can come in much closer than carriers. I read only one time, in the Baltimore Sun, about the New Jersey in the easter Med when the Marine, and French, barracks were blown up in Beirut. Syria was involved. There was a photo of the New Jersey visible off the shores of Beirut. As I say, rather impressive and intimidating. We learned that the Syrian high command was going to meet in the Beka Valley, well within range of the ship's guns. Reagan gave the word. Just as the staff were gathering together the Big J fired two 16-inch shells. When the sand settled, Assad had whole passel of job vacancies to fill.
The "Jersey" is permanently berthed across from Philadelphia on the Delaware River. According to the docents that will give you a guided tour of the ship, the above post by "Rickvid" about her deployment in the Middle East, it was her final combat deployment before they mothballed her and turned her into a floating museum.
In 1968, while I was deployed along the DMZ in Vietnam, the Jersey came on station and her 16" guns really supported us Marines in the field.
The mighty USS Wisconsin. I got a chance to tour her about 10 years ago when I was in the neighborhood on business. I had toured the USS Missouri the previous year and I am still amazed at the size of those ships and the tenacity of the sailors who served aboard them.
ReplyDeleteThe Big Badger Boat!
DeleteThe USS Wisconsin is currently berthed in Norfolk, VA. Way back in the mid-1950's (when I was in 4th grade) my father was stationed at the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk. That year was the "International Naval Review" where ships from all over the world came to show off. My family got an invitation to tour the Wisconsin. When we got to the ship's skipper's helm, I climbed into his chair and grabbed the microphone. I pushed the talk button and said, "Now hear this! Now hear this!" The announcement went all over the ship!!! Of course, my parents were embarrassed but I was proud as punch!!!
ReplyDeleteBattleships. Very impressive when they show up off your shores; they can come in much closer than carriers. I read only one time, in the Baltimore Sun, about the New Jersey in the easter Med when the Marine, and French, barracks were blown up in Beirut. Syria was involved. There was a photo of the New Jersey visible off the shores of Beirut. As I say, rather impressive and intimidating. We learned that the Syrian high command was going to meet in the Beka Valley, well within range of the ship's guns. Reagan gave the word. Just as the staff were gathering together the Big J fired two 16-inch shells. When the sand settled, Assad had whole passel of job vacancies to fill.
ReplyDeleteThe "Jersey" is permanently berthed across from Philadelphia on the Delaware River. According to the docents that will give you a guided tour of the ship, the above post by "Rickvid" about her deployment in the Middle East, it was her final combat deployment before they mothballed her and turned her into a floating museum.
DeleteIn 1968, while I was deployed along the DMZ in Vietnam, the Jersey came on station and her 16" guns really supported us Marines in the field.