Monday, November 6, 2023

Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich as a falconer at the Count Sheremetiev’s ball of 1894.



  1. We look very pleased with ourselves.

  2. It was fun while it lasted.

  3. The greatest danger for any government is during times of change. His government fell during WW1 which led to the February Revolution and a resignation by the Tzar. The word Tzar and Kaiser both are derived from Caesar. The movie Doctor Zhivago is set during time during WW1 and the period following. After the February Revolution power was in the hands of the Duma. Power was seized by the Bolsheviks which were heavily influenced by Jews. The two factions The Reds and the Whites fought it out with the US even having soldiers fighting there long after WW1 ended.

  4. "What is best in life?"
    "The open steppes, a falcon on my wrist, the fur on my hair".

    Or something like that.

  5. Looks a little like Tim Curry

  6. Replies
    1. Royal pastime in many cultures. Arabs are really big into it. Read the Joe Pickett books and the character of Nate Romanowski, a falconer among many other things.
