Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Traditional Look, Modern Tech



  1. These are okay, and I have one, but the original Coleman white gas lantern can't be beat.

  2. Just makes no sense to me - it's like buying a motorcycle that's designed to look like a horse.

  3. Don't need a match to light it; won't provide any heat; safer than kerosene but runs out faster; pretty much unrepairable and can't be duplicated at home. Four regular D cells cost as much as this thing on sale. OK if you live in a suburb somewhere, I guess. If you're out in the woods or facing real disaster, you're SOL with this thing unless you've got rechargeable D cells and a working solar charger. "Lifetime" LED but a 3 year warranty. YMMV. Looks cool, though.

  4. i would miss the hiss .
