Saturday, November 25, 2023

The return of the hunter



  1. It's pretty sad when a hunter is nothing more than a "trophy hunter" and the food value of killed animal goes to waste.

  2. I was gong to say the same thing John, where's the meat

    1. How do you know where the meat is? I can say it is already on the plane, or ready to be loaded just outside the picture, and be just as "accurate" as the assumption you are making. Many states actually require that the meat from hunting be preserved and not wasted. Stop making entirely unwarranted and negative assumptions.

    2. That’s the last trip out. Looks like it’s up here in the Frozen Freakin’ North where AK game laws REQUIRE that all edible meat, including edible organs, are packed out BEFORE any antlers or “trophy” parts of a carcass. ADF&G doesn’t screw around with enforcing this either.

    3. You don't drag a moose around like you do a deer.
      This guy probably paid a small fortune for this trip and cutting the animal up and taking it out on horses would be included in the package.

  3. Some people just cant help but assume. Sign of stupidity.

  4. The picture is well enough composed and shot to be an advertisement photo, truth is the picture could go with many different stories. If one picture is worth a thousand words, 950 of them are wrong.

  5. After a successful hunt, Ole and Sven each with a moose, they met the plane at the lake.
    The pilot protested that his aircraft couldn't carry so much meat.
    Ole replied that last year the pilot agreed.

    So they loaded everything up and began their takeoff down the lake. Each time the pilot expressed doubts of a successful takeoff, Sven and Ole encouraged him onward, saying the pilot last year did takeoff.

    The plane rose off the lake but not enough to miss the trees. The wreckage was strewn throughout the trees and brush. A few minutes passed by. Then, Sven called out; Ole, vere art you? Ole replied, A bit further than last year.

  6. A hunter and pilot died recently in AK, trying to fly it all out in one flight. Plane was so full that they hung the antlers on the outside, and there is speculation that this upset the airflow enough to keep the plane from gaining enough clearance for the trees at the end of the strip. 600 lbs of meat, IIRC. The pilot was one of the fliers of the flying show set in AK. Tweeto?

  7. My cousin shot a Boone and Crockett deer at over 450 yards. Guide said it was the biggest he had ever seen. By the time he got to it 2 guys were riding off on horseback with the rack.

  8. Where is that supply of great meat?
