Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Not very cat-like



  1. You didn't show how that cat landed. On its paws, laughing, I'll warrant.

  2. I had a cat with narcolepsy. At least once a day from someplace in the house I'd hear 'WHOMP' when she fell. Went on for years, at least twice from the balcony railing. Note: they do not land on their feet every time. Probably the narcolepsy but I don't think she woke until she hit the floor. Eventually she got smart and would sleep on the back of the toilet with her leg shoved in the crack between toilet and wall. Why not a chair, the floor, ???

  3. Yellow cat. Different


  4. My cat would often fall or fail on a leap. One thing I learned was not to laugh at the cat. They are very proud and have no sense of humour unless they're ambushing you.
