Monday, November 13, 2023




  1. Most people's situational awareness is nil as suburban living has dulled their senses.

    1. Theory: pilot thought he was in a float plane.

  2. Replies
    1. Well believe me, as a driver you are not expecting to see something coming from the air. I had a plane cross in front of me like that, that barely cleared a chain link fence.

    2. 2 idiots indeed. The 172 could have gone around, and the car was definitely in the landing right-of-way.

      I think that this was a stunt, however.

    3. Agree. Planned for the camera.

  3. It's an airport, car shouldn't be there.

  4. Want to see the insurance paperwork !!

  5. The pilot would have likely touched down just short the runway and crashed anyways. Hope all survived it. Didn't look good for the SUV driver's head.

    1. no, he was on profile to hit the numbers at the end of the runway pavement.

    2. Possibly an emergency landing? He was too low for a normal landing you would always allow room for error and never hit the numbers right on the money. If they were used to landing there they would know there was an access road you would account for that and bring your altitude up a bit.

    3. SUV is inside the fence at the button of an active runway.
      172 would have been in his field of view, and was, as he hit breaks at exactly the worst time.

      I hope it was a planned stunt that went wrong. Otherwise the FAA is going to have to be satisfied with sloppy seconds after the pilot opens a double helping of whoopass on the SUV operator.

    4. When I got pilot's license years ago, on the last flight of the day, the instructor suddenly said on final,."Short landing, short landing! Turn of at the first taxi way"

      I think we touched the down on the tarmac outboard of the stripes, like this guy might have, and stopped in time to roll off at the first t-way.

      He seemed happy with the results, but I had to change my shorts.

      He told me afterwards he saw a C130 just climbing out, and didn't want me to taxi thru possible wake turbulence ...

  6. stunt? otherwise, why a camera...

  7. Visited a steel plant once, out in the country. We used a corporate jet to get there, as there was a landing strip at the mill. The pilot had to buzz the strip first, to scatter all the deer that were grazing around it. Anyway, a county road went across the landing strip about half way down, and there was a set of RR crossing-type signs and gates, bells, flashing lights, etc. to handle the local traffic. Unique experience.

    1. FIL and friends, couples, hunting trip in montana. airline to Billings, small plane to vicinity of Jordan. landing strip was a field with a truck at either end w/headlights on.

  8. so what happened to the landing? Must have been a disaster.

  9. 1. hate to say this, but the pilot's at fault - the pilot hould have seen the car on approach and gone around unless the tanks were empty and the engine running on fumes.
    2. the pilot lands on the left wheel bringing forward velocity to as close to zero as possible before allowing the right side to settle. Is this possible? Yes - with a lot of skill and an awful lot of luck.

  10. Northwest Regional airport (52F) just north of Roanoke, Texas. I've flown out of there many times. There are signs reminding drivers to be aware of landing aircraft. The plane is on a normal flight path but because of the slope coming down to the runway threshold looks to be low. The path of the car is not visible from the pilots perspective over the nose.

    1. Aircraft accident synopsis here:

  11. That looks very much like a private field north of San Diego. Even though there are signs advising of low flying aircraft and the runway and drivers can see the runway is very close, every now and then there is this kind of accident.

    The pilot may not have seen the car until the last second. The car comes around a corner and over a rise, concealed by trees.

    Landing traffic has right of way.

  12. No flap landing. The car slows as if to time the impact. This could be a stunt.

    1. Neither a stunt, nor photoshop, nor AI. Read more at Flugelman's link above.

    2. Car drivers almost universally slow down when they notice a vehicle approaching them. Watch crash videos. Lots of crashes would be avoided if they didn't slow at the exact wrong time. Tends to look like "I'm here, hit me, hit me!"

  13. 2 of 3 landing gear are missing after the collision, I wonder how the rest of the landing went?

  14. Used to live just down the street from there. Grand Prairie, Tx.


  16. Seems to be a typical NHTSA crash report. The investigation was so poor that the author thinks the nose gear was still attached when the plane touched down. Tax dollars at work...

  17. Check out 2W2 in Maryland. Another little airport with a road crossing the active.
