Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Close Escape



  1. lookee dat! he wasn't even wearing his seat belt.

    1. Last stats I read seat belt wearing was 50/50 helpful vs. not...the "law" is nothing but control and a money grab. Wife will not wear one, had a friend get into an accident (someone ran a stop sign), got trapped by her seat belt and died. But hey, you can buy any number of seat belt cutters, assuming you can locate it when needed.

  2. Best outcome for a Lada.

    1. Having driven one back in the 80s, you are correct!

  3. Seat belts absolutely DO help to prevent death or more severe injuries! Airbags, however, do no good, and cause injuries.

    1. I've only got 23 years of anecdotal ER evidence to the contrary.
      You go on ahead thinking that. I'll see you at work.

      And I've survived a no-seatbelt rollover.
      Zero stars, would not recommend.
      But wearing the belt would've killed me deader than canned tuna, by keeping me upright in my seat, and having my head shortened down to about the top of my chin, when the roof stopped at the top of my seatback, which came about that high.

    2. I used to work at a physical rehab hospital. There were quite a few "closed head injuries" where the patient was doomed to being a permanent vegetable because their head hit the windshield in a car crash. In case you haven't checked it out, a car's windshield is a lot harder than your skull! If they had been wearing a seat belt, they probably would have walked away from the crash with only bruises to their ribs. Of course, we didn't see the patients that died after they smashed their skull like a ripe melon when they hit the windshield, or those folks who were ejected from their vehicle and then rolled over by their own vehicle.

      You are far more likely to survive a crash if you are wearing a seat belt. If you survived a rollover without wearing a seatbelt, you beat the odds. Bet you won't survive the next rollover!

  4. I wouldn't have helped him. He's an idiot. Fuck him.

    1. Me neither, Budd.
      Although I might have gotten out of the pickup, walked over to him, laughed in his face, gotten back in the pickup and left.

    2. I was surprised that once they assured his safety, they didn't start beating on him for causing the mess to begin with.
      Stupid should hurt, and from the clip, it looks like his wild lane change was the cause of the problem.
      Like with hot stoves, pain helps you remember no to do stupid things a second time.

    3. Might not have been an intentional pass, as he looks to have come from the right shoulder area. Might have been dodging another vehicle, and lost it when he regained the roadway. I've seen this crash, on a Russian video, but I don't recall the details. This was shortened.
      Most people have no idea how to control a vehicle once it gets beyond straight ahead movement, and/or less than perfect traction. No training, and no clue about vehicle dynamics.

  5. The out come you get from youth and luck. As for seatbelts and airbags..they DO work and they DO save lives. On VERY rare occasions they may make a bad situation worse. These cases are exceedingly rare. Anyone stating otherwise is an idiot or WILLFULLY ignorant.

    1. My father survived 4 crashes, in ~65 years of driving, that would have killed him if he had been wearing a seatbelt. He absolutely refused to use a seatbelt. He was a stockcar racer back when they raced on dirt, and was a bodyman, and ran a towtruck, so he got to see lots of crash results. The other crashes were ones that he had to dive for the passenger area to avoid beheading by a truck bumper, essentially.

      The last crash was probably his fault, as they think he may have blacked out from lack of eating after a medical test that required fasting. Got t-boned on his way home after passing a Stop Sign. Driver's seating area didn't exist after a 50+mph hit. They found him in the passenger seat area of his 1st gen Turbo Talon. I found a girl dead in her seat after impacting a light pole directly on her door when I ran an emergency towtruck. Strapped into a seat area that didn't exist anymore.

    2. In the era of auto racing before the drivers wore seatbelts, there were multiple fatalities, every year. Now, there are hardly any auto racing fatalities. There is always the odd crash that would kill you regardless, but I will take my chances with a seat belt, as I do not want to become an organ donor, as are many unbelted folks in accidents.

      That also reminds me of the motorcyclists who don't want to have to wear a helmet. They usually quote "Motorcyclists who wear helmets have more neck injuries than those riders who don't wear helmets." Of course, that statement is only true to the point of when you skull is smashed open like an egg and you are obviously dead, medical personnel don't also check to see if you have a broken neck!

  6. "Young and stupid" is a phrase that I have used for decades to describe less-than-mental-giant youth that have nary a clue as to the real world.
