Saturday, November 25, 2023

As a guy trying to get a backyard citrus orchard going here in Redding, this illustrates my ultimate goal


Rafael Romero Barros (Spanish, 1832-1895) Still life with oranges, 1863


  1. Very lofty goal. Keep at it.

  2. One of the few regrets I have after moving back to Montana is giving up the lemon trees we had growing in the back yard.

  3. The Sun King had a nice grove in Versailles.


  4. I tried for years to get a nice little stand of Pineapple trees going at my place in Wisconsin.
    Never did get it to work.

  5. I was under the impression that Redding was -10° in Winter and 110° in the Summer, so I googled it and now the secret is out. You live in the perfect climate!

    1. There's about a week or two of really hot weather in the summer (although last summer was milder than usual), and maybe one snowfall a winter - just enough to be fun but not a nuisance. Lots of big rivers and lakes. Not a bad place to land.

  6. My folks had Navals and Valencia which were direct descendants of Bastanchury. Bastanchury was a Basque who brought the orange to California.
    Even after 60 years, those trees were heavy producers of sweet fruit. I used to squeeze gallons of juice. I'd cut the rinds into strips, coat them in cane sugar, and let the sun dry. To make candy.

    CW, your county agriculture extension office is a good source of information. If that office doubts growing oranges in your region, ask at a different office.

    I also suggest Charles at IV Organics. He is a biologist involved in grafting, etc fruit trees including various oranges. (I think he's related to Bastanchury) He posts videos on You Tube.
