Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Good Idea



  1. Counterpoint. I've owned two pairs. They fall apart after about a months decent use. The rubber always tears. Pure Chinesium crap. SRC.

  2. In a pinch you can wrap chicken wire on your shoe soles. Looks weird but works great,

  3. I use 'Korkers Extreme' for hiking and general use on the ice. Much better made and have replaceable cleat studs.

  4. For years I would buy whatever version they were selling at Costco and give them to the older people in my life. Now I am one. Nobody gives me this sort of thing.

  5. Stay upright. I slipped and fell on sheer ice and broke my right femur, you wouldn't believe how much it hurt. Out of work on disability for 5 months. Doctors couldn't completely reduce the fracture so now I have limited range of movement, chronic pain, and an addiction to opioids. It all happened in less that two seconds.

  6. Yup, slipped twice on ice last year, fell flat on my back both times. Happens in a split second. Will have ice melt front and back this year.
