Thursday, January 5, 2023

Table Mountain waterfalls near Oroville, Ca.



  1. Pretty landscape. Pity it's in Californiastan.

  2. Lived in northern California for several years, but never heard of these. Wow, they are magnificent. Do they only happen during runoff season?

    1. They must occur only in very rare conditions. I live about 35 miles south of there and have never seen these falls before.
      I'm at roughly the same elevation as the top of Table Mountain and have received over 11" of rain since Christmas, so that probably explains the falls.

      This heavy winter portends an outrageous wildflower bloom this spring, which the top of Table Mountain is known for, especially after wet winters.

    2. After consulting Google Earth I now know why I've never seen these falls. They're located in deep notches in the face of the mountain and are best seen when hiking. There are some good YouTube videos taken by drone.

      The largest of the falls is called Phantom Falls and it has its own Wikipedia page.

  3. Also known as Phantom Falls as they can sometimes be seen for several days after a heavy rain. When drivin' past on Hwy Seventy, watch for other drivers who become mesmerized by the sight. Lotta lane driftin' goes on.

    1. Thanks, IR. That's neat to know that they can be seen from Highway 70.

  4. i bet there are some good archeological sites there.

    1. It's a basalt mesa. I'm not up on archeological sites but, there were diamonds found at Cherokee hydraulic gold mining operation on the back side of the mesa and another mine, rumored to have produced diamonds on the face overlooking the Feather River.
