Monday, March 21, 2022

Your Friendly Smile of the Morning



  1. all hat, no cattle
    massive pancake

  2. Spammy McSpammerson has joined the conversation.

  3. I suppose I really can't complain about the spammer; I moved pixels from one place to another, used a two button mouse to make selections, and spent much of my work day trying to read minds and look at what some of us called comic books. All for $45/hour by the end of my career.
    The girl is cute, I have to say. Not really my type, but cute, and in this day and age, that's enough.
    Plague Monk, mechanical designer and specialist in 3D CAD modeling using Unigraphics design software. There are time when I thought that maybe being a spammer would be better career choice. Or, given some of my clients, a human mushroom; kept in the dark, and fed a heaping amount of manure every day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
