Sunday, March 27, 2022

Hot Fun



  1. "Shits on fire, yo"... That said, front engine diggers, while more dangerous, were still more entertaining.

  2. Must have gotten the bleach mixed up with the gasoline.

  3. $6+ a 87 Octane gallon up in flames.**

    **Yea, I know dragsters like Don Garlits burned nitromethane.

  4. Brought back the memory of being 1/2 of the pit crew for a friend who was dragracing a Harley KR at Atco Raceway in NJ, sometime in the early 70's. Don't recall what fuel he was using, but do recall the smoking burnout trying to warm up the slick, holding the frame right by the top of that tire. I think he over-revved it, as we discovered later that he broke an exhaust valve lifter. Blew the carb off the engine when it backfired. Done for the day. Hey, we looked good in our matching Harley Davidson windbreakers! (I think they were on loan from a dealership, as they didn't come home with us.)
